December 1968 Archives

Where eagles dare

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where_eagles1.jpgWhere eagles dare

Military spy thriller

In roles: Clint Eastwood, Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor



where_eagles2.jpgThe Second World War. German armies have captured the general of armies of an Antihitlerite coalition with the opening plan «Second front» and have placed it in well strengthened base in mountains of Switzerland. Special group of agents British MI6 charge clearing of the high-ranking military man. Having landed from the landing plane they, having changed clothes as the German form and using variety of combat arms in German parts and absence of accurate submission get at first into a city near to a fortress and then and in a fortress.

  where_eagles3.jpg But in the course of clearing it is found out at first that the general was false, then that three from agents MI6 are simultaneously and agents of German special services. And after it appears, as all operation has been started for revealing as it is possible more numbers of informers of fascists in Europe, and also for disclosing of head of a network of German agents in coalition armies.


where_eagles4.jpg For the modern spectator the film can seem unduly detailed (scenes of a mining of the bridge, hits in a fortress are, etc. shown in all details), but completely not "not tightened".










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