July 1977 Archives

The Spy Who Loved Me

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Spy_Who_Loved_Me-1.jpgThe Spy Who Loved Me.

Classics of espionage cinema

In roles Roger Moore (James Bond), Barbara Bach (the agent of KGB), Richard Kil (Jaws) and др

Director Lewis Gilbert

Under the novel Yan Fleming


Spy_Who_Loved_Me-2.jpgThe tenth film about agent MI-6 James Bond. The malicious genius millionaire Karl Stromberg has decided to arrange the third world war and to base a new civilization on an ocean floor. For this purpose it has grasped some the advanced submarines of the USSR, the USA and has equipped with their nuclear weapon which has directed to New York and Moscow.


Spy_Who_Loved_Me-3.jpgJames Bond and its colleague from KGB major Anja Amosova (the agent «three Х») in common find at first drawings of the device finding submarines, and then and the ship-tanker where the grasped submarines are stored.

Throughout all film they are resisted by person of Stromberg - two meter giant "Jaws". As James Bond's car which is able not only to shoot but also to swim as the submarine it is used Lotus Esprit.

Spy_Who_Loved_Me-4.jpgThe first exit on the big screen on July, 7th 1977 in Great Britain.

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