January 2003 Archives

The Recruit

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The_Recruit_1.jpgThe Recruit

Psychological espionage film

In roles: Al Pacino, Colin Farell

Director Roger Donaldson

Beginning computer genius James Clayton in search of the good employer invents a virus which would allow it to operate networks of the companies. During demonstration on one of exhibitions it is noticed by the recruiter from CIA Walter Burke and offers work in department.

The_Recruit_2.jpgBefore becoming the independent agent or to work at any embassy it is necessary to be trained in spec.  school. And here it would seem handing over all tests and being always among the best students James it is deducted after delivery of last test. But in that also there was a plan of the recruiter - to employ the best expert fraudulently to force it to steal the program which CIA developed for control and distribution on electric networks.

The_Recruit_3.jpgThe film practically doesn't contain scenes of a pursuit or an other action, and is faster psychological, showing as it is possible to manipulate acts of other people to please whose or to interests.

Release date in USA January, 31st 2003




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